Generation after generation throughout the northeast have kept in this classic purse in their closet as a fashion essential. I still use mine even though it’s older than some of my children.  So Suzy Says.

Here are some similar choices too – some old and some new.
[df_divider el_width=”100″ style=”solid” accent_color=”#ffffff” border_t_width=”2px” padding=”20px 0″ position=”align_center” el_class=””]

il_570xN.873004851_szudThis one is from the 1980s….



[df_divider el_width=”100″ style=”solid” accent_color=”white” border_t_width=”2px” padding=”20px 0″ position=”align_center” el_class=””]a2cffb381fe0f8978928227b0fbb6508_bestThis large palm-leaf basket purse with blue handles can actually carry more than the essentials….

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