The year is coming to an end, the holiday season is approaching, and then it’s time for those New Year resolutions….

But why wait until the start of the New Year before getting in shape?!

Here is a meal plan that will make you feel better, burn off some fat and get in shape NOW. Combine this with some exercise and lose up to 15 pounds before the end of the year!

First, let me take you through a few facts about nutrition and diet. Our energy usage is measured in calories. Depending on your age, gender, body composition and fitness level you will burn a certain amount daily. Exercise and staying active will increase this number and the difference between calories consumed and calories spent in a day will dictate if the number on the scale goes up or down. So, if you consume 2000 calories and burn 2500 in a day, that leaves you with a 500 calorie deficit for that day. If you are able to do this everyday, you’ll have at3500 calorie negative week and drop a pound a week as 3500 calories is about a pound of energy.

Your calories, also known as macro nutrients mainly comes from these three sources: fat, protein and carbs. You also have alcohol which will add a forth source of calories. 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, 1 gram of protein 4 calories, 1 gram of carbs 4 calories and 1 gram of alcohol contains 7 calories. You need all the three major sources in your diet for a healthy diet, and you typically want to divide the calories evenly on the three. So 1/3 in fat, 1/3 in protein and 1/3 in carbs.

Enough about that, now let’s get to YOUR meal plan!

I always say that you should never feel hungry or full throughout the day, so I have put together a plan that consists of 5 different meals, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and then dinner. For each meal I have provided a few alternatives to choose from.


  1. Protein smoothie, create a healthy blend of micro and macro nutrients by mixing greens and fruits with some vegan protein. Use a vegan base, so either vegan milk or coconut water.
  2. Oatmeal mixed with water or vegan milk of some sort. If you want it a little more interesting, add a teaspoon of almond butter or half a banana oatmeal
  3. toast1 toast whole grain bread with half an avocado spread and some salt & pepper.



  1. Greens juice. This should be only pressed veggies, no fruits
  2. fullsizerenderOne or two apples, a banana or some other favorite fruit.
  3. Cut veggies with hummus crudite
  4. Vegan protein bar (cliff bars have some great ones)
  5. A handful of nuts nut


  1. stir-frySalad with protein of your choice (no cheese!)
  2. Veggie soup or other lean soups (that means no cow milk, cheese or sour cream)soup
  3. Brown rice and veggiesfullsizerender


  1. vegOven roasted veggies with your choice of protein
  2. Wok with greens and proteinatir-fry
  3. Steamed veggies with your choice of protein

fullsizerenderThese meals should not be big, if you are feeling full when you finished, that means you had too much. Limit yourself to one portion always.

If you have any questions and need some help, feel free to contact me at


Good luck!


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